Bird List Sunrise Emoji               


    all yr: 2012-now          FOS in NY

    Next: Saint Martin, Trinidad and Tobago.  More: <1>  trinidad_and_tobago.htm  Panama

    2023 HK.   Europe.  Florida Keys & Caribbean.  Forget to retain (1) GPS, (2) GPS holder, (3) cell phone holder and (4) sunglasses when I park my car at his place.  TODO: buy a USB connector because the GPS USB cable is short.
    2022 Florida & Georiga.  Bonaire & Curacao.  Portugal.  <has Vacation History (2007-)>
    2021 Florida.  Oregon.  Texas. 
    2020 Cape Cod & Berkshire, MA
    2019 1. Cayman Islands.  2. Iceland.  Baltic Sea ( Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, northeast Germany and Russia ) [link]   3. Barbados.
    2018 Tucson, AZ.  Pittsburgh, PA.  Bonaire & Curacao.  HK (trips to China).
    2017 Cayman Islands / Bonaire & Curacao / HK (1 day trip to China with Siu Ming)
    2016 celebrate birding 10 year anniversary - 決志: 矢志不渝 、堅定不移地 進行觀鳥, 成為一生一世的嗜好, 天長地久的興趣.
    2016 (Aug-):  HK
    2016 (Jan-Jul): Mexico (4/7)
    2015 (8/14-): Curacao / HK
    2015 (Jan-8/8) log: South Carolina / Seattle
    2014 log: Jamaica / Canadian Rockies / Curacao
    2013 log: New Orleans, Costa Maya, Belize City, Roatan, & Cozumel / HK ( 東龍洲, 1/2 day China with Siu Ming)   Periodical Cicada at SI   
       This is a special photo to me. It is taken by 5 seconds (very long) shutter at Kowloon Park 6:15pm. Luckily the cooperative Black Crowned Night Heron stood still for me.     
    2012 (after Hurricane Sandy) log  
    2012 (Jul-before Hurricane Sandy) log  (Netherlands, UK, Scotland, Norway, Denmark) (birdList.b4_split2_b_and_c.htm)   
    2012 (Jan-Jun) log  (Costa Rica)  
    2011 log  (HK, Punta Cana
    2010 log  ( 1. Mar. Caribbean Cruise : Fort Lauderdale / Cozumel, Mexico / Cayman Islands ; 1b. HK ; 2. Nov. Caribbean Cruise : Puerto Rico / St Maarten / Half Moon Cay & Florida) 
    2009 log  (Las Vegas; HK, Mainland China and Taiwan)  
    2008 log  (South Caribbean Cruise - Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Grenada, Bonaire & Aruba; Toronto; Palm Beach, Florida)   
    Photo and Video @ Punta Cana    pic01.htm  others   HK trips
    ducks and geese
    Note on Dragonfly and Damselfly   my insect spider list    Macro   butterflyMoth.htm   frog   kissena_rare_encounter.htm    Postings of NY Birding List   34 TYPES OF TURTLES FOUND IN THE USA
    Favorites in 2013   Favorites in 2012   Favorites in 2011  
    Bees   Wasps   Cricket   myInventory   myNationalPark.htm
    Costa Rica info   Costa Rica, 2012 - Photo    costa_rica_mybirdlist.htm
    Birding in Shetland Islands     Norway cruise     pc_stuff.htm    pc_stuff2.htm    Google Voice    t-mobile (6/2014)   多部未华子   cull_CanadaGeese_at_JBWR.htm
    samsung_s3600.note01.htm   smart_phone.htm   car_problem.htm   pedometer.htm
    myEye_glass.html   Biblical_problems_caused_by_translation.htm   translation resource
    how_can_i_make_a_very_sharp_phot.htm   flash_wont_sync_in_slave_mode.htm   Camera/Camcorder for birding   cam4underwater   infrared_photography.htm
    comet_PANSTARRS.htm    Jamaica_bird.htm   2015plus_jamaica_trips.htm   Glacier   Hay fever   Glacier & Canadian Rockies  
    Curacao-1   Curacao-2   Bermuda   Cancun   Snorkeling Cozumel Reefs (El Cozumele�o Resort) 
    St. Maarten  St. Eustatius
    Saint Martin: The best snorkeling on the island lies on the French side, where the government religiously protects the calm waters, which are populated with schools of brilliantly colored fish. Find a tiny cove and explore the shallow reefs along its shores, especially in the northeastern underwater nature reserve.
    Barbados is called the land of flying fish.
    Cuba [mirrorEthiopia [Rockjumper's standard tours (as we classify this PNG tour) are aimed at the keen birder who wants to see as many birds and as much wildlife as possible without extreme effort or arduous hours in the field i.e. the average birder. src]  
    South Carolina   Seattle   Bird in Arizona Desert
    Lead Adventures 3-Week Galapagos program - doc  
    Quito - Monastery of San Francisco - pic1  quito.htm
    The best month for me to visit Galapagos is probably Feb.
    List of whale and dolphin species        List of birds of HK   

    Tourists to China can finally use the country�s massively popular mobile payment systems

door lock

Rufous Hummingbird (2/25).  Mourning Warbler (6/2).  American White Pelican (9/21).
In Caribbean: Green-throated Carib.  White-cheeked Pintail (seen in 3/2022 too)?  Brown Booby.
Europe: Red-crested Pochard.  White-throated Dipper.

2024 recap:
- Four International trips!  2018 also has 4 trips but 2 are domestic.
- See Red Fox: Two times at Long Island. One at Kissena Park.
- Towhee, female (lifer).
- See Bald Eagles after more than 18 years.
- (up to 8/31/2024)
I saw at least 12 butterflies in Greater New York area:
     Orange Sulphur
     Cabbage White / Small White - (Small) Cabbage White (Pieris rapae, previously known as: Artogeia rapae)
     American Painted Lady (10/14/2012)
     Painted Lady (8/18/2012)
     Common Buckeye - a brushfoot (Nymphalidae) butterfly, love to perch/rest on bare ground
     Anglewing butterfly, Tribe Nymphalini - "Leaf Butterflies"  (Comma? perhaps Eastern Comma, Polygonia comma ) - 7/26/2014
     Swallowtail - yellow morph of female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) ; black morph of female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) or female Black Swallowtail
     Spring Azure ? of Gossamer-wing family, a small butterfly - 7/20/2014 (or Summer Azure), even smaller than Cabbage White  
     Eastern Tailed-Blue, female -  7/26/2014
     Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) -  4/11/2015
     Silver-spotted Skipper (large skipper) - 6/28/2017

Cruise ships:
2002 Celebrity Millennium
2004 Norwegian Sky
2005 Norwegian Dawn
2006 Norwegian Jewel
2008 Princess Crown
2010 HAL ms Westerdam, HAL ms Westerdam
2012 HAL ms Rotterdam
2013 Norwegian Star
2019 Norwegian Getaway
2023 Celebrity Constellation, Carnival Horizon
2024 MSC Preziosa

In anime of 2024 winter season:

In anime of 2024 winter season:
  • 异 修罗远方钩爪的悠诺[47]
  • 肌 肉魔法使-MASHLE- 神觉者候补选拔试验篇(第二季)(雷蒙�厄文[48]
  • 我 独自升级向坂雫[49]
  • 魔 都精兵的奴隶若狭佐原[50]
  • 北 海道辣妹金古锥夏川怜奈[51]
  • 我 内心的糟糕念头(半泽百合音[52]
  • 治 愈魔法的错误使用法(瑟丽亚[53]

  • 1/25/2024
    2023 fourth quarter GDP growth:
    Hong Kong: Expect fourth quarter GDP data release to confirm further recovery in the economy, with fourth quarter growth rising 4.9% YoY.
    US: Real GDP rose by 3.3% (annualized) during the fourth quarter of 2023, well above the consensus forecast of 2.0%* and The Conference Board's forecast.
    Taiwan: Expected to rise to 3.6% YoY, which would mark the third consecutive quarter of higher YoY growth.
    Philippine fourth quarter GDP should expand by 5.5% YoY


    阿 里埃勒·沙龙 (Ariel Sharon)

    强 势生存的逻辑无可指责,无论是对阿拉伯世界,还是对犹太人。他们都曾颠沛流离,他们对于安全与稳定的渴望,超过所有。

    沙 龙的一生,具备成为英雄史诗的一切因素。出身卑微却强硬果敢;天赋异禀却桀骜不驯,在民族的崛起中成为传奇。这样的人,在传说时代,足够成为摩西一样的 “神”。但是如今,与许多中东的强人一样,他只能是一个毁誉参半的人物。

    沙 龙是穿着军装成长起来的一代人。他们所有的价值观,都在血腥的搏杀中构建,他们所有的荣誉感,都存在于胜利所带来的辉煌中。这也让他始终相信,只有目的才是第 一位的,而通往目的的一切过程都不重要,包括屠杀。摩西?达扬是这样,沙龙也是这样“纯粹”。

    沙 龙在战争中,有据可查的第一次屠杀是1953年10月14日的,的奇比埃行动。他和他的小分队用TNT炸药炸毁了55幢巴勒斯坦平面的房屋。至少70具遗体在 废墟中被找到,其中大部分是躲藏在地窖和粮仓里的老人、妇女和孩子。

    最 让沙龙臭名昭著的是沙龙在“黎巴嫩战争”期间所造成的人道主义灾难。1982年6月,在沙龙的极力主张下,以色列大举入侵黎巴嫩。在此之前,沙龙亲自秘密访问 贝鲁特,带着保卫人员走遍贝鲁特的大街小巷,对每一条街道、每个重要的建筑物都进行了仔细的观察。1982年9月,在以军的默许下,黎巴嫩基督教民兵组织进入 贝鲁特附近的巴勒斯坦难民营,屠杀了1500名巴难民。这一惨案震惊了世界。1983年,以色列议会调查委员会经过调查,认为身为国防部长的沙龙对巴勒斯坦难 民营屠杀事件负有直接责任,沙龙因此被迫引咎辞职。

    沙 龙从来都是个实用主义者。即使是作为政治家,他也会毫不留情地推倒、碾碎他面前的一切绊脚石,为此他获得了“推土机”之称。2000年9月28日,因为选举落 败,沙龙成为了下野的反对党人。为了重新赢得执政,他毫不顾忌可能引发的流血冲突,在保镖的护卫下强行访问被巴勒斯坦人视为“尊贵禁地”的耶路撒冷圣殿山地 区,从而引发了最新一轮持续数月仍无终止迹象的以巴流血冲突。当时的巴拉克总理被迫辞职,而沙龙自己却趁乱以73岁的高龄当选为以色列总理。

    沙 龙是“土地”换“和平”计划的反对者,也不愿遵守美国提出的“中东和平路线图”。沙龙主张用“和平”换“和平”,尽管他晚年态度有所缓和,但他仍然是一个彻底 的民族主义者。为以色列人争取祖先的土地和安全的保障,是他不渝的坚持。

    Ten Women of the Old Testament:
    - Sarah, the woman whom God promised would give birth to a nation, but who tried to rush things when God's promises didn't seem to be coming to pass.
    - Rahab, a prostitute in the Canaanite city of Jericho, who would save herself and her family through her faith in the one true God of the Israelites.
    - Esther, a young queen whom God placed in the Persian court for "such a time as this" to prevent the genocide of the Jewish people.
    - Ruth, a woman who after being widowed remains with her husband's mother.  Because of the Lord's faithfulness to Ruth and Boaz, the world would be given the Messiah.
    - Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah, who was betrayed by Judah, then took matters into her own hands by disguising herself as a prostitute, conceiving twin boys by Judah; she is the first woman listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

    - Abigail 作過拿八妻的迦密人亞比該, a woman forced to play peacemaker by the barbaric behavior of her husband.
    - 拔示巴
    - Deborah was a prophetess of Judaism, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel and the only female judge mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.
    - Hannah is one of the wives of Elkanah mentioned in the First Book of Samuel. According to the Hebrew Bible she was the mother of Samuel.
    - Athaliah 亞她利雅, 是古代中東國家南猶大王國的王后及太后,後來成為了為唯一一位女王,在位六年。她是以色列王國國王暗利的孫女,父親是北國以色列的亞哈王,母親(繼母)是耶洗別,她與約蘭 王的婚姻被視為是一種南北國間締結同盟的政治婚姻。她在登基後大肆殺害猶太王室後人,使祭司耶何耶大把當時尚在襁褓中的約阿施藏在聖殿裏免被殺害。其後當約阿施長 大,耶何耶大發動政變推舉約阿施繼位,亞她利雅被處死。

    友弟德傳(英文:Book of Judith),或譯猶迪傳,是天主教和東正教《舊約聖經》的一部分。
    文章中講亞述大軍侵入巴勒斯坦時,所向無敵,搗毀各地的神廟。直抵猶太的伯夙利亞城,這時城中一位年輕貌美的寡婦友第德主動帶領女奴出城,用美色誘惑亞述軍主帥, 夜裏將其主帥割頭。
    友弟德的故事是歷史上第一個有文字記載的美人計 (honey trap)。友弟德的故事,實際上是《聖經》中「大衛王殺死巨人歌利亞(Goliath)並割下他的頭顱」的翻版或「女英雄 版」:一個女子站出來:勇敢,果斷,睿智,獻身,計謀,並且最後成功了。

    在亞伯拉罕至大衛這段相同的家譜中,馬太版的家譜略有不同:它多出了四位女性。這四位並非人品較為端良或至少是明媒正娶的大家閨秀,例如撒拉、利百加或是拉結,而 是一些意想不到、充滿爭議的、半路殺出的女性:和公公生下孩子的他瑪、以妓女為職業的喇合、主動求婚的寡婦路得,以及懷了非婚子的拔示巴。
    首先,她們是外邦人:喇合是迦南人,他瑪可能也是(因為是迦南人的名字),路得為摩押人,拔示巴則有可能和她丈夫一樣都是赫人(may be not)。其次,她們在這個父權社會中,原本都是社會邊緣分子:他瑪和路得都是個無子嗣的寡婦,喇合是性產業工作者,而拔示巴則很可能是尚未懷過孩子的婦人。在那樣一個游 牧的父權社會中,婦女必須藉著婚姻和子嗣,才能為自己掙得安全的保障。src

    亚希多弗的儿子以连是乌利亚的战友, 是同袍和摯友。他们都是与大卫在战场上多次出生 入死的"三十勇士"。他们随时为王牺牲性命也在所不辞。拔示巴是以连之女、是乌利亚之妻,乌利亚虽是赫人,但已归入以色列,入了犹太教的外邦人与以色列人通婚在当时是允许 的。以连把拔示巴嫁给乌利亚,就是中意乌利亚的人品。亚西多弗老谋深算,同意乌利亚入赘,应该也是喜欢乌利亚的为人和看中乌利亚与大卫之间的亲密战友关系。src

    birdList2022.htm has info of female heads of state and government.
    US and NY:
    Hillary Clinton:

    first elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000, becoming the first female senator from New York and the first First Lady to simultaneously hold elected office. 
    Only one woman, Hillary Clinton, was a major-party nominee for president. She was nominated by the Democratic party in 2016.  src
    Kamala Harris:
      She is the only one woman has won the office of the Vice President (in 2020).
      Three women have been nominated: Kamala Harris by the Democratic party in 2020, Sarah Palin by the Republican party in 2008, and Geraldine Ferraro by the Democratic party in 1984.  src

    Kathy Hochul is the 57th and first female Governor of New York State since August 24, 2021.  She won a full term in the 2022 election against Republican U.S. Representative Lee Zeldin in the narrowest New York gubernatorial election since 1994.
    No NYC mayor until now.
    List of first women mayors in the United States - Wikipedia

    林鄭月娥 (2017年7月1日—2022年6月30日): 2017年參加行政長官選舉,以777票當選並成為香港首位女性行政長官。

    Olympic Games host cities -
    <1> No city in Portugal.  Not even bids.

    都是假的!我們被騙了!... 中國歷史就是 帶路黨的歷史  秦 檜真的有這麼壞嗎?被教科書扭曲的中國歷史

    1514 年,哥白尼在一篇四頁的《短論》總結了自己的地 動說猜想,給最親近的朋友看。1533年,在羅 馬舉行了一些關於哥白尼理論的講座,教 宗克勉七世和一些主 教出席了講座並表示出興趣。講座過後,其中一位主教寫信給哥白尼,希望他儘早正式出版他的作品。雖然朋友們也催促哥白尼儘早出版他的理論,但可能 是害怕受到批評,哥白尼本人一直不願意這麼作。學者對於哥白尼到底是擔心受到天文學界的批評還是教會的反對是有爭議的。在他生命的最後幾年,哥白尼終於同意出 版他的《天體運行論》。

    哥 白尼的學說改變了那個時代人類對宇宙的認識,而且動搖了歐 洲中 世紀宗 教神 學的理論基礎。由於時代的局限,哥白尼只是把宇宙的中心從地球移到了太 陽,並沒有放棄宇宙中心論和宇宙有限論。雖然哥白尼的觀點並不完全正確,但是他的理論的提出給人類的宇宙觀帶來了巨大的變革。哥白尼之書在其死後 引起了很大的爭議。最聳人聽聞的事件莫過於是意 大利人布 魯諾之死。他是道 明會教 士。但極富反叛精神,是一個「狂熱份子」。他從哥白尼的系統向外推展,否定了天 球之說。他出版了「無限宇宙論」「Dell infinito Universo e Mondi」明白地主張:太 陽是眾多的恆 星之一,地 球亦是行 星之一。更主張人 類宇 宙中也不是唯一的。這種主張與當時教會對《聖 經》的解讀起了嚴重衝突。他在1600年被判火 刑,在羅 馬被當眾燒死[來源請求]src

    歷史學家們至今仍在爭論:布魯諾的異端審訊是對他的天文觀點等經驗性問題(「科學主張」)的回應,還是對他不涉及科學領域的純哲學及神學等其他思想的回應(如「神 學異端」)。src
    Q: Are owls polygamous?
    A: They're monogamous. Polygyny has been recorded in related species, such as barn owls and Eurasian eagle owls, but is still very rare among raptors.  Bird experts are surprised by the first known observation of polygamy in great horned owls

    Q: Do owls get divorced?
    A: About 25% of barn owls will find themselves in the midst of a divorce at some point or another, National Geographic reports. Researchers who observed the species in Switzerland for 24 years say that although the birds are typically monogamous, they'll part ways if breeding isn't successful.  src

    11/5-26/2024 (Tue-Tue)

    11/2-3/2024 (Sat-Sun)
    John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum (8601 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153) / Conowingo Dam / Philadelphia Chinatown

    John Heinz: The Visitor Center is open Wednesday to Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm.
    Trails are accessible every day from sunrise to sundown. Free parking is available at both the Lindbergh Blvd. entrance and the Rt. 420 entrance. The boat launch is out of order. There are outdoor bathrooms and a water fountain by the trailhead and observation tower. 
    11/2: 2 Bald Eagles.
    11/3: 3 more (newly arrived?) so totally 5.  Out of the 3, at least one is an immature.
    11/2 John Heinz: Pintail, a few.  Green-winged Teal.  Winter Wren (the 2nd time I saw; first time is on 1/1/2021 at Prospect Park).

      Bald Eagle - <1>   flying with fish

    10/26/2024 (Sat)

    Pintail at East Pond.

    10/20/2024 (Sun), with Ivy
    Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (800 Great Creek Rd, Galloway, NJ 08205)

    Visitors can also access the Wildlife Drive, an 8-mile auto tour with excellent birding, considered one of the best birding areas in the region. The Wildlife Drive features two wildlife observational towers, a boardwalk extending over the salt marsh with views of the Atlantic City skyline, and links to a network of trails, providing opportunities for hiking, wildlife observation, photography, and more!

    Trails and the Wildlife Drive are open daily, sunrise to sunset. The Visitor Information Center is open Wednesday to Sunday, 10AM to 2PM. Entrance to Wildlife Drive is $4/car.

    White Ibis, juvenile (11).  Ring-billed Gull.  Green-winged Teal.  Hundreds of Tree Swallow.

    Common Buckeye mating.  Grasshopper / Katydid / Cricket.  Wasps & Bees.

    Common Buckeye mating -
    Common Buckeye -
      Grasshopper -
      Katydid (紡織娘) -
      White Ibis -
      Ring-billed Gull -
      Gull -
    Green-winged Teal -
      Tree Swallow -

    10/20/2024 GSP
    10/20/2024 MTAB&T
    10/20/2024 PANYNJ
    10/20/2024 GSP
    10/20/2024 GSP
    10/20/2024 GSP
    10/20/2024 GSP
    10/20/2024 GSP
    10/20/2024 MTAB&T
    Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge: $6.94
    Goethals Bridge (East bound, peak hour): $15.38
    Total:  $40

    9/25/2024 (Wed) after work - 10/8/2024 (Tue)
    German, Rotterdam, Belgium, France, UK

    9/25 Wed JFK to Hamburg 9:15 pm to 2:25 PM 3 hr stopover AMS Delta 9392
    operated by KLM (JNUQ5I)
    10/8 Tue Heathrow to JFK 8:25 pm to 10:50 pm non-stop, (Delta #5991), operated
    by Virgin Atlantic.
    9/26 Thu Arrive in Hamburg. Stay 3 nights in Holiday Inn Hafen City ($675).
    Überseeallee 15, 20457 Hamburg, German.
    9/27 Lubeck.
    9/28 Luneburg.
    9/29 Hamburg.
    9/29 Sun - 10/4 Fri Cruise from Hamburg, German to Southampton, UK.
    10/4 Fri scheduled to arrive at Southampton at 7am. Stay overnight in Holiday Inn Southampton ($224), Herbert Walker Avenue, Southampton.
    Sightseeing in Winchester and Southampton.
    10/5 Sat . Stay 3 nights in London Holiday Inn Express Southwark ($697). 103-109 Southwark Street, London.
    Before leaving to London: Visit Salisbury, from there take Ho ho bus to Stonehenge.
    10/6 Sun Excursion Leeds Castle, Cliffs of Dover and Cantebury. Meeting point: Victoria coach station 9 am $142 (senior a few dollars cheaper).
    10/7 Mon Excursion Blenheim Palace, and the Cotswolds.
    Meeting point: Victoria coach station 9 am $129 (senior a few dollars cheaper).
    10/8 Tue 8 pm flight to New York. Sightseeing in London during the day.

    9/21/2024 (Sat) am

    American White Pelican: a lifer.  This is the first time I see it definitely.  

    9/14/2024 (Sat) am, with Winnie
    Sleepy Hollow Cemetery

    8/31/2024 (Sat)
    , with Ivy
    Plumb Beach / Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Trail,
    Brooklyn / Prospect Park

    Black-crowned Night Heron catches a large fish.  Green Heron catches a few small fish.  Black-crowned Night Heron, adult and juvenile.

    Black-crowned Night Heron, adult, catches a large fish -
      Green Heron -

    8/11/2024 (Sun)
    , with Ivy
    Suffolk County Farm & Education Center (350 Yaphank Ave, Yaphank, New York 11980)
    / Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, Suffolk
    / Southaven County Park Campground
    / Clark Botanic Gardens (193 I U Willets Rd, Albertson, NY 11507)
    *Note for Southaven County Park: We did not pay $15 PARKING FEES for Inland Park Parking- per vehicle (Non-resident Parking Rates for both weekdays and weekends)  src

    Suffolk County Farm & Education Center: Groundhog.  Cowbird fledgling with Song Sparrow foster parent.
    Wertheim: Hummingbirds and many birds at the feeding station.
    Southaven: many insects including wasp mating.
    Clark: Goldfinches and Cardinals at sunflowers and others.  Lotus flowers. 
    Also see butterfly mating at
    Southaven or Wertheim.
    See many dragonflies.  See damselfly.  See rabbit.

    7/28/2024 (Sun)
    , with Ivy
    State Line Lookout.  Address: 264 Palisades Interstate Pkwy Alpine NJ 07620 or use 1 Alpine Dr or 1 Alpine Approach Rd, Alpine, NJ 07620 (last visit: 11/26/2022)
    Jamaica Bay near East Pond North End / JBWR East Pond North End /
    Broad Channel American Park

    Peregrine Falcon (3 immature fledged born this year).  Turkey Vulture. 
    Savannah Sparrow.  Glossy Ibis, many.  Gull-billed Tern, 2+.  Semipalmated Plover, many.  Least Sandpiper.  Semipalmated Sandpiper.  Yellowlegs.  Dowitcher. Laughing Gull.  etc.
    Broad Channel: Osprey, three babies not yet fledged; still in the nest.  Killdeer.  Black-crowned Night Heron. etc.

    7/21/2024 (Sun)
    , with Ivy
    Nickerson Beach / Mill Pond Park  

    Nickerson: Least Tern babies, many.  Skimmer babies, a few.
    Mill: Kingbird.  RWBB.  

    7/14/2024 (Sun)
    , with Ivy
    Canarsie Park / JBWR

    Canarsie Park: Cliff Swallow, a lot, easy 20+.
      Ruby-throated Hummingbird, male. 
      Ivy gets pictures of hummingbird moth.
      Least Sandpiper.  Semipalmated Sandpiper.  Yellowlegs.  Short-billed Dowitcher.  Long-billed Dowitcher. 
      Eastern Phoebe.  Yellow Warbler.  Goldfinch.  Carolina Wren.  Cedar Waxwing.
      Sand Wasp.

    (1) I saw Cliff Swallow the first time in my life on 6/13/2021.
    (2) Hemaris diffinis, the snowberry clearwing, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. This moth is sometimes called "hummingbird moth", "bumblebee moth" or "flying lobster". In the United States this species has been located in southern California and Baja California Norte, Illinois, east through most of the United States from Maine to West Virginia to Florida.  This moth should not be confused with the hummingbird hawk-moth of Europe.

    Driving from home to JBWR - Union Turnpike - Woodhaven  Blvd becomes Cross Bay Blvd.  Use GPS address:  19-11 Cross Bay Blvd, Far Rockaway, NY 11693.

    7/4/2024 (Thu), with Winnie; meet Ivy
    Brooklyn Botanical Garden

    6/30/2024 (Sun), with Ivy
    Prospect Park & Brooklyn Botanical Garden

    Water Lilies (睡蓮).  Lotus.  Dragonfly.  Damselfly.  Ruby-throated Hummingbird, male.
    See a Black & White Wasp look like Four-toothed Mason Wasp.

      Common Whitetail, male dragonfly - 
      Blue Dasher, female - 433A4759 (flying 蜻蜓點水)

    (1) 睡蓮屬及萍蓬草屬的葉上有一縱裂,而王蓮屬的葉為全緣。 本科植物睡蓮可做水景庭園的觀賞植物,地下莖可做蔬菜;芡的種子可做藥用,合瓣蓮屬可做水草,睡蓮不會結出蓮藕或是蓮子。
    (2) 蓮(學名:Nelumbo nucifera)是蓮科蓮屬多年生草本出水植物,又稱荷、荷花、蓮花,古稱芙蓉、菡萏、芙蕖,英文稱為 lotus。花一般盛開於夏季,蓮花也因而成為夏日之風物。
    睡蓮和蓮二者的外觀雖然相似,但親緣關係甚遠,睡蓮不是蓮花(荷花)的一個亞種。中國古代詩詞中,有時用蓮來指稱睡蓮,又有文人將睡蓮叫做荷花,因此 增加 其混 淆。兩者可從其葉子的生長位置和葉子的形狀區分開來。
    (3) 蜻蜓和豆娘的產卵方式大致分為兩類,一類產在水生植物上,一類邊飛邊把卵產在水裡
    6/29/2024 (Sat), with Ivy
    Nickerson Beach, Mill Pond Park & Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park ($8 parking fee)
    The Parking fee is charged (1) from 9am-5pm weekends and holidays only from April 4th to April 28th, (2) daily from May 1st (or 4st?) to Labor Day and (3) [whole day] weekends and holidays only from Sept. 7th to Nov. 17th.

    Nickerson:  Least Tern baby (1); an early one.  Common Tern babies, a lot.  Oystercatcher babies, many.
    Mill Pond: Lotus flowers not yet in full blossom.  Mute Swan babies (4).  Wood Duck ducklings.
    Planting: Ruby-throated Hummingbird: 1+ male and 1 female or immature.

      Ruby-throated Hummingbird, male -
    Least Tern -
      Common Tern -
      Oystercatcher -
      Black-crowned Night-Heron -
      Flowers - Lotus   Bee on Water Lily

    6/16/2024 (Sun), with Ivy
    JBWR & Broad Channel American Park

    JBWR: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, female adult and her 2 babies and another female.  Northern Flicker potential nest hole. 
    White-rumped Sandpiper, 10+, I think more than 15, quite extraordinary that many.   Glossy Ibis.  Common Tern.  Laughing Gull. 
    Broad Channel: Osprey parents and babies.  Black-crowned Night Heron.  Yellow-crowned Night Heron.  Green Heron.  Snowy Egret.  Great Egret. etc.
    Dragonfly: Seaside Dragonlet, both M and F.

      Ruby-throated Hummingbird -  <2 females>  <baby with eye seen>
      White-rumped Sandpiper -
      Northern Flicker -
    Common Tern -
      Laughing Gull -
      Osprey -
    Yellow-crowned Night Heron -
      Green Heron -
    Snowy Egret -
    Seaside Dragonlet -

    6/2/2024 (Sun), pm, with Ivy
    JBWR & Bryant Park

    JBWR: Red-headed Woodpecker, male.  Ruby-throated Hummingbird, female on her nest; I did not see the male although it is there.
    Bryant: Mourning Warbler, 1M & 1F; a lifer.  Hermit Thrush.  Ivy sees Eastern Wood-Pewee. 

    5/25/2024 (Sat), with Ivy
    Sterling Forest State Park
    GPS:  United Water Inc, 228 Ironwood Dr, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
    Driving Tip:  Up - don't take George Washington Bridge.  From home, pass Whitestone Bridge (toll), take Hutchinson River Pkwy, then cross Mario Cuomo Bridge (toll).
                          Down - use Maggie address as a via point

    Looking for Golden-winged Warbler but not seen.
    Indigo Bunting, male.  Blue-winged Warbler.  Towhee, male.  Great Crested Flycatcher (seen on 5/5/2012).
    Damselfly: Ebony Jewelwing, male.
    Frog.  Grasshopper.

      Indigo Bunting -
      Great Crested Flycatcher -
      Blue-winged Warbler -
      Towhee -
    Ebony Jewelwing -
    Dragonfly -
      Frog -

    5/9/2024 (Thu) - 5/22/2024 (Wed)
    France & Switzerland

    索邦大学(法语:Sorbonne Université)

    卢森堡公园(法语:Jardin du Luxembourg)

    世界四方喷泉(法语:Fontaine des Quatre-Parties-du-Monde)

    Carrion Crow
    Rose-ringed Parakeet
    Common merganser
    Great-crested Grebe (seen 8/24/2012 at the trip of Netherlands, UK, Scotland, Norway, Denmark)
    Red-crested Pochard, a lifer.
    Eurasian Blackbird
    European Goldfinch

    White-throated Dipper, a lifer.
    5/4/2024 (Sat), with Ivy

    Green-Wood Cemetery

    White-crowned Sparrow (last time confirmed observation at tri-state area is on 10/27/2012).  Towhee, female (lifer).  Baltimore Oriole.
    Warbler, 8 species.  Black-and-white Warbler.  Common Yellowthroat.  Northern Parula.  Magnolia Warbler.  Yellow Warbler.  Black-throated Blue Warbler.

    4/28/2024 (Sun), with Ivy

    Massapequa Preserve (better address: 510 Parkside Blvd, Massapequa, NY 11758)

    Great Horned Owl, parent & 2 owlets.  Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Black-and-white Warbler.  Warbling Vireo.   Nuthatch.

      RWBB, female -

      Warbling Vireo -
      Yellow-rumped Warbler -
      Black-and-white Warbler -
      Nuthatch -
      Great Horned Owl -

    4/27/2024 (Sat) pm
    Orchard Beach

    Turkey Vulture.

    Turkey Vulture -

    4/21/2024 (Sun), very cold, with Ivy
    Green-Wood Cemetery,
    Massapequa Preserve (GPS address: 20 Broadway, Massapequa, NY 11758) & Kissena Park
    R7 + Canon RF 100-500mm

    Green-Wood Cemetery:  Kingbird, possibly.  Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
    Massapequa:  A lot of Swan.  Osprey, 10 or less.  Great Horned Owl, parent & 2 owlets (nestlings).   Carolina Wren. 
    Kissena:  Northern Flicker's newly drilled hole.   Red fox, a parent with 3 pups.
      Palm Warbler.

      Fox -
      Swan -
      Osprey -

      Great Horned Owl -
      Carolina Wren -

    4/20/2024 (Sat) pm
    Kissena Park

    R7 + Canon RF 100-500mm

      Cormorant catch fish -
      Wood Duck family (8 ducklings) -

    4/13/2024 (Sat), very windy
    R7 + Canon RF 100-500mm

    Robin.  Cowbird.  Tree Swallow.  Osprey.  Mockingbird.  House Wren.  RWBB. 
    White-throated Sparrow.  Downy Woodpecker.  Ruddy Duck. Swan.

    4/6/2024 (Sat) with Ivy to test my new photographic gear
    Green-Wood Cemetery / Prospect Park
    R7 + Canon RF 100-500mm

    Blue-winged Teal (M&F).  Common Loon (1).  Swamp Sparrow (1).
    Double-crested Cormorant.  Ruddy Duck (some males in breeding plumage).  Eastern Phoebe. 
    Hermit Thrush.  House Finch.   Carolina Wren.  Red-tailed Hawk.  Osprey.  Monk Parakeet.  Tree Swallow.  Song Sparrow.  RWBB.  Common Grackle.  Wood Duck.  White-throated Sparrow.  Downy Woodpecker.  Brown Creeper.  Great Blue Heron.  etc.

      Phoebe - w2106

      Blue-winged Teal -
      Common Loon -
      Swamp Sparrow -
      Ruddy Duck -
    Carolina Wren -
    Monk Parakeet -
    Common Grackle - 
    4/2/2024 (Tue) - B&H delivered Canon RF 100-500mm f/4.5-7.1 L IS USM Lens ($2599) to Terri, then to me.
    4/1/2024 (Mon) - R7 delivered. 

    3/28/2024 (Thu) 
    I order refurbished Canon EOS R7 from - $1,119.00 + tax

    3/24/2024 (Sun)
    Baisley Pond Park

    No wintering duck.

    3/16/2024 (Sat) whole day with Ivy
    Inwood Hill Park & Untermyer Park and Gardens (945 N Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701)

    Do not see: Eastern Screech-Owl (Megascops asio)
    Cowbird, FOS.  Robin eats earthworm.  Flycatcher.

      Robin -
      Cowbird -

    I have not visited Inwood Hill Park since 8/28/2010  (Sat).  13.5 years!  Today may be my second visit in my life.

    3/5/2024 (Tue) - 3/12/2024 (Tue)

    Stay at Inn at Tamarind Court.  Great location.  Free breakfast (worth $7/person).  Free beach chair and towel.

    3/5 Tue
    8:35am - JFK Terminal 4 - Delta
    Taxi to Red Hook, 30 minutes.  $23 total or per person?  I paid per person with tips, totally $50.
    20-minute ride to Cruz Bay, St. John.
    Walk to Inn at Tamarind Court.
    Dinner: take out from The Banana Deck.  $89.61 - curry red snapper rice ($50+) and shrimp pasta.
    3/6 Wed
    Trunk Bay - see Southern Stingray.
    Hike at Lind Point Trail to Honeymoon Beach.  See White-tailed deer.
    3/7 Thu
    am: Cinnamon Bay / Little Cinnamon Bay Beach
    pm: Maho Bay - see Southern Stingray, 2 Green Turtles and 1 Lobster. 
                             - has no cell phone signal.
    3/8 Fri
    Unique Sea Turtle Snorkeling & Boat Excursion
    3/9 Sat
    Salt Pond Bay - excellent snorkeling site
    3/10 Sun
    St. Thomas - Coki Point Beach.  Secret Harbor Beach.
    3/11 Mon
    am: a bird-watching stroll along Francis Bay Trail and salt pond
    pm: Honeymoon Beach.  Taxi ($8/person/ride) then a private ride ($12/person round trip).  See:  Peacock Flounder.  Yellow-tailed Damselfish, intermediate stage.
    3/12 Tue
    Before checkout from hotel, I go a hike to Honeymoon Beach.

    (1) Yellow-tailed Damselfish -
    When they're juveniles, they have these dark blue, almost black bodies that are littered in bright blue dots, with clear tail. Then in their intermediate stage, like high-school for humans, their dots shrink and their tail becomes a bright yellow.
    (2) See:
    Yellow-tailed Damselfish.
    Squid (7 at a time). 
    Scrawled Cowfish?  Or other Cowfish. 
    Black Durgon (aka Black Triggerfish). 
    Gray Angelfish or French Angelfish. 
    Foureye Butterflyfish.  And other [Saltwater] Butterfly Fish? 
    Sergeant Major. 
    Bluehead Wrasse.
    Synodus intermedius, the common sand diver. 
    beaugregory damselfish.  (not Spanish hogfish?)
    French Grunt (aka Yellow Grunt). 
    Blue Tang.
    horse-eye jack?
    (3) Pearly-eyed Thrasher.  Bananaquit, dark morph.  Green-throated Carib. 
    White-cheeked Pintail at (1) Small Pond at Frank Bay Wildlife and Marine Sanctuary and (2) Francis Bay salt pond.  I saw it in 3/2022 at trip of Jacksonville & St. Augustine, FL and Jekyll Island, St. Simons Island & Brunswick, GA.  But it may not be in wild but in some man-made facility.  I cannot remember the detail.
    Black-necked Stilt.  Spotted Sandpiper.
    Lesser Yellowlegs.  Greater Yellowlegs. 
    Brown Booby.  Brown Pelican.  Peacock, near Frank Bay.  Black-faced Grassquit, many M & F.  Gray Kingbird.  White-winged Dove?   Zenaida Dove.  Eurasian Collared-Dove.  Scaly-naped Pigeon.  Magnificent Frigatebird.  American Kestrel.  Great Egret.  Common Gallinule.
    Don't see any Smooth-billed Ani.  But may heard its sound.
    (4) While other species have visited one or more of the islands on rare occasions, but the U.S. Virgin Islands only have two regular hummingbird species, the Green-throated Carib and the Antillean Crested Hummingbird.  src
    (5) See goats & sheep.   Green Iguana and many different lizards.   Miss the chance to see donkey while I am on the taxi from airport to Red Hook.  Lady at the Francis Bay Trail sees Mongoose.
    (6) In fact, the only endemic land mammal found in the U.S.V.I. is the bat. Six different species, actually, including the red fig-eating bat, greater bulldog bat, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, Antillean fruit-eating bat, velvety free-tailed bat, and the Brazilian free-tailed bat. All of the donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, and mongooses are non-native species.  src
    (9) - This is a group of fish that can get very large, anywhere from 4 inches to more than 2 feet.
          My Note: Many are bicolor - features a patch of blue (to me, look more like purple) highlight on a golden-yellow body.
    (101) bonaire-reef-fish-and-creatures.png
    (102) My note

    My Snorkeling History (see the summary on Bird List 2016b):
    (1) I actually start doing real snorkeling with my own gear from 4/24-30/2014 at Jamaica.
    (2) Continue:
    2017 - Cayman Islands.  Bonaire & Curacao.
    2018 - Bonaire & Curacao
    2019 -
    Cayman Islands.  Barbados.
    2021 - FL, see Manatee. 
    2022 - FL (any snorkeling?).  Bonaire & Curacao.
    2023 - Florida Keys & Caribbean (Jamaica, Cayman Island & Cozumel)
    2024 - St. John & St. Thomas, USVI.

    Next time, if visit St. John again, tips:
    <1> No more
    Trunk Bay.  Honeymoon Beach: visit again if go alone via hiking trail. 
    <2> Recommended: Maho Bay.  Salt Pond Bay.  OK to visit again: Cinnamon Bay / Little Cinnamon Bay Beach
    <3> Oppenheimer Beach.

    2/25/2024 (Sun) morning with Ivy
    Prospect Park

    Lifer: Rufous Hummingbird

      Rufous Hummingbird -
    The RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD, first noted in Prospect Park on February 10th, was still present today on Breeze Hill where it has been visiting a hummingbird feeder and the nearby honeysuckle plants near the hairpin turn on the Prospect Park Lake side of Breeze Hill.

    2/24/2024 (Sat) morning
    Oakland Lake

    Common Loon (1).  Double-crested Cormorant (1).  Green-winged Teal, many M and F; someone saw 8.  Bufflehead (1M).  Gadwall (M+F).  Ruddy Duck, many.  Mallard copulation.  Coot. etc.

      Green-winged Teal -
      Mallard, female, after copulation -

    2/17/2024 (Sat) morning with Ivy during snow falling / afternoon with Winnie.  Also visited Seatuck National Wildlife Refuge (not open to public) and Heckscher State Park.
    Brentwood Country Club / Kissena Park

    Kissena:  Hooded Merganser is very close to us for a long time.  Rusty Blackbird (1).  Mourning Dove.  Wood Duck (1M&1F).  Canada Goose in hundreds.  Mute Swan, a pair.  Shoveler, many, perhaps 20+.  Mallard.  House Sparrow.  White-throated Sparrow.

      Red Fox -
      Hooded Merganser -
      Rusty Blackbird -
      House Sparrow -

    2/10/2024 (Sat) Chinese New Year early morning
    Baisley Pond Park.

    Got pictures of both female and male Redhead.  今朝影到紅頭鴨 今年就鴻運當頭
    American Wigeon.  Gadwall.  Ring-necked Duck.  Ruddy Duck.  Northern Shoveler.  Mallard.  Coot.  Geese.  Swan, a few; I think they are one family (saw mother, father and 5 young ones on 12/9/2023).
    RWBB.  White-throated Sparrow.  Crow, a lot (20+, 30+).  在公園見到很多烏鴉 好似電影凶兆  Rock Dove.  Gull.  Double-crested Cormorant (2).  Great Blue Heron (1).  The Monk Parakeet colony.

      Redhead - 1M+1F
    2/3/2024 (Sat) whole day with Ivy & Terri
    Brentwood Country Club / West End beach, jetty, & US Coast Guard Station, Jones Beach / Cammanns Pond County Park
    GPS of Brentwood:  100 Pennsylvania Ave, Brentwood, NY 11717.

    Red Fox (6).
    Ivy finally see Harlequin Duck today.
    Harlequin Duck (about 9).  Long-tailed Duck, a lot in tens.  Sanderling.  Dunlin, a lot in hundreds.  Black Scoter (3).  Loon, many.  Horned Lark, a group (10+ or even more).

      Red Fox - <1>   <2>   <3>  
    1/14/2024 (Sun) am (leaving Jones Beach at 9am)
    US Coast Guard Station, Jones Beach

    Red-breasted Merganser (a group of M & F).  Loon, a few.  Scoter possible, female.