Ducks & Geese

Greater Scaup

Greater Scaup Male Greater Scaup Female
Medium-sized diving duck with an evenly rounded head and a yellow eye. Dark head, chest, and rear contrasts with white sides and gray back. Greenish iridescence on head only visible with ideal lighting.
Medium-sized diving duck with rounded head and fairly heavy, broad bill. Warm brownish overall, with white facial patch next to bill and a yellow eye.

Lesser Scaup

Lesser Scaup Male Lesser Scaup Female
Medium-sized diving duck with a tall, peaked head. Glossy black head, front, and rear with a gray back and white sides. Head is purplish-iridescent, but is only visible with ideal lighting.
Medium-sized diving duck with a tall, peaked head and a fairly straight bill. Females are rich brown overall, with a darker head and white patch next to the bill. Note that the back of the head is flat.


Greater Scaup Breeding male is similar to Lesser Scaup

Breeding male, Greater Scaup

The back of the head is rounder than on Lesser Scaup. The head also appears more peaked in front of the head.

© Rajdeep Mitra | Macaulay Library