Extension tube in Macro
The main issue with using extension tubes with a normal lens is that you are
using them just to get to a 1:1 magnification. Most standard lenses are a 1:4 or
even 1:5 max magnification. Where as most zooms that have the word "macro"
attached to their designation or a 1:3.5 or 1:2 at best. Where as a true macro
lens is a 1:1 ratio(meaning life size in the frame).
What extension tubes due is allow the lens to focus closer to the subject hence
allowing more magnification and/or filling the frame with the subject.
The best choice is to use extension tubes + macro lens to achieve greater then
1:1 magnification ratios. Or you can use them with zoom macros to achieve a true
1:1 ratio. They work best with primes however. And with a non-macro prime your
benefit would be more of the subject filling the frame. The only cost of using
them is light. For example, if using them you will need more light for a proper
exposure then without them. I forget the exact amount of loss they cause off
hand, sorry.
I always have at least 2 sets of them on hand to use. They come in handy, even
with a true 1:1 macro lens, in order to get smaller stones to fill the frame
better. I use them with both lenses and even with my bellows.
Here is my old setup when I had my Canon 20D, Novoflex long bellows, Novoflex
macro rail slide, Stroboframe bracket + adjustable flash mount + Sigma DG 500
Super flash + 68mm stacked extension tubes + Pentax Takumar 135mm f/3.5 lens:
The following shots taken with that setup:
This one shows piece of tumble polished agate with battery for size reference
and then the top half is the magnified 100% crop
This is a simple grain of sea salt used in a salt shaker for food, lol
I finally got about 90% of my equipment unpacked now from the move and almost
have the studio finished as well. Held up currently by bad weather which makes
my RSD /CRPS flare up and keeps me bed ridden, sadly. But as soon as this crap
passes I will gladly take some images with and without ETs(extension tubes) to
show the differences if you like?
They are the cheapest method of gaining magnification without causing image
Panasonic solution for FZ35: Panasonic extension tube DMW-LA5 + DMW-LC55 close-up lens. May get more magnification but quality is probably worse than close up lens attached to (directly or through a thin adapter) the main lens.