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external image Eastern+Amberwing+male+dragonfly+8-1-2009+2-26-39+PM.JPG

Latin name

Perithemis tenera
Common name
Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly


The Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly is 3/4 to 1 inch long with a wingspan of 1 and 3/4 inches. The dragonfly is mainly a yellowish brown color; it has a yellow face with a brown thorax and brownish yellow abdomen. Its wings, as said in the name, are amber colored. Female amberwings' wings are covered in brown spots, unlike the male, whose are entirely amber.


Various insects; insects that would be considered pests to us. Mayflies and mosquitoes, for example.

Life cycle

When laying eggs, the female amberwing touches water and drops about 10 to 20 eggs each time. They live for about a year, and little of that is as an adult. When the dragonflies break out from their eggs, they live as nymphs in the water for as long as they need to grow, which could be a very long time.


Eastern Amberwing Dragonflies live and fly near and over water in areas like lakes and ponds.


Eastern Amberwing Dragonflies have a wide range of distribution in the Eastern United States; other amberwing dragonflies can be found in more southern states and countries, such as Mexico.

Interesting Facts

Dragonflies' compound eyes have up to 30,000 facets.

Citations of Resources