3/13 - 22/2012 (Tue - Thu) 10 days
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
Photo Album 1
Tour Director: Lauren Guzman (her son is Dylan) - found on Web on this album
13 Tue - AA 1813 : LGA to MIA ;
AA 1051 : MIA to SJO (Note: hassle of connecting flights - security check twice,
the check before the international flight at Miami was tighter)
evening at Barcelo San
Jose Palacio Hotel (1
mile from downtown
San José,
just right outside of the busy city traffic zone) -
Great-tailed Grackle -
Hummingbird, possibly
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird p.129
Sparrow, adult p.307
- <1>
Clay-colored Robin
- <1>
14 Wed
Poas Volcano, cloud forest -
Black-and-yellow Silky-Flycatcher p.253
Nightingale-Thrush (6 in.)
Sparrow singing
after lunch -
Cafe Brit, a coffee plantation nestled in Barva de Heredia, on the slopes of the
extinct Barva Volcano
evening at hotel -
White-winged Dove (video)
15 Thu -
morning at hotel before leaving -
Great-tailed Grackle -
(a female adult - note her iris not as yellow as a male;
Parakeets (a gang of 7 to 10+) - probably Crimson-fronted Parakeets
Swallows - probably Blue-and-white Swallows
swimming pool - butterfly (red/orange/brown)
woodpecker - 2 times
butterfly garden -
Peleides Blue Morpho, Common
Morpho, or The
Emperor (Morpho
- <1>
Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
(size: < 1 inch), the blue jeans morph - <1>
banana factory -
Great Kiskadee
<1> (I think is a
molting Gray
Kingbird; or Tropical Mockingbird? other Flycatcher? Tanager?) (Gray Kingbird is a
very rare passage migrant along the Caribbean coast, seen in March and from Sept
to early Oct). Someone took a photo of
Gray Kingbird
in Tortuguero, Costa Rica at the end of November
(src). ...
eBird has 6 records of
Gray Kingbird for Costa Rica.
One at
Tortuguero. But none after October. Consider submitting to eBird ...
Tortuguero -
Red-eyed Tree Frog
(inc. 16 Fri) - <1>
golden silk orb-weaver spider -
16 Fri -
near the lodge, Tortuguero -
golden silk orb-weaver spider -
before the pm boat ride (2:59pm), Tortuguero, with Winnie's camera -
a long-tailed lizard -
17 Sat -
Morning cruise on Tortuguero River
Roseate Spoonbill -
18 Sun -
19 Mon -
20 Tue (JW Marriot Resort and Spa @ Pacific Coast, Guanacaste) -
21 Wed -
22 Thu - AA 988 : SJO to MIA
; allow at least 2-3 hour for transfer. At Miami had to pick up luggage
and went through Custom and then returned the luggage back to AA. The luggage
so couldn't make it on the same flight with us. Then went thru
security check again for the domestic flight.
Yellow-throated Euphonia
- <1>
Blackbelly Racerunner (Aspidoscelis deppei)
or called
Deppe's Whiptail (Cnemidophorus deppei)
Common Morpho (Morpho
peleides) -
info1 ;
different from
The Menelaus
Blue Morpho (Morpho
wiki; see also
Blue Morpho
Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge - P1150495.
Long-nosed Bat : probably
Greater Long-nosed Bat or
Lesser Long-nosed Bat
- <1>
Monkey (Howler
Monkey?) -
<1a> (processed by
CyberLink PhotoDirector 3 free version, 1/31/2013)
(out-of-camera JPG)
Ringed Kingfisher -
female-4 (from RAW)
Boat-billed Heron -
Little Blue Heron -
Guans -
Green Honeycreeper (a Tanager)
- Video
am before leaving, at the hotel (Arenal Manoa, Fortuna)
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron -
White-shouldered Tanager,
female southern Pacific race -
<2> ;
I think not
Gray-headed Tanager (Eucometis
at the bus, before going to hanging bridge hike
Blue-and-yellow Macaw
(not Scarlet Macaw nor
Green-winged Macaw;
not Great Green
Macaw) -
are popular in aviculture because of their striking color, ability to talk,
ready availability in the marketplace, and close bonding to humans.)
mating bugs (smaller male over larger female) -
butterfly - mating1
grasshopper -
<1> (excellent
on sand) (look similar to
band-winged grasshopper,
Trimerotropis infantilis, & Lompoc grasshopper,
Trimerotropis occulens
pic; both of them are
endemic to California)
ghost crab -
(horns attached to the end of their eyes so is a male)
hermit crab -
lizard -
Blackbelly Racerunner
/ Seven-lined Racerunner (Aspidoscelis deppei)
or called
Deppe's Whiptail -
White-winged Dove p.89 -
Scrub Euphonia (p.327,
not Yellow-throated) :
male adult
feeding juvenile (passing a
mistletoe berry?) male adult
bird and crocodile spotting cruise on the Tarcoles River,
after lunch
Jesus Christ Lizard -
<1b> (look
like an adult male)
stay at
Holiday Inn San Jose Aurola Hotel & enjoyed the last supper.
Scrub Euphonia
Their diet consists of a variety of tree-borne fruits. In particular, they are
known to feed on mistletoe berries. Their gut is specially adapted for mistletoe
berries, which are poisonous.
These finches tend to move to places where mistletoe berries are
the most abundant. They are most commonly seen in small groups foraging in their
favored feeding areas.
"The twenty-five species in the genus Euphonia
share several unusual features setting them apart from other members of the
Thraupinae. They completely lack a gizzard, apparently a specialization of
the digestive tract for a diet of fruit. Available data also suggest that
have an unusual breeding biology: they build covered nests, they lay
larger clutches than the typical two eggs of most tropical passerines, and they
feed fruit to nestlings to a greater extent than other frugivorous birds (Morton
1973)." ... from Sargent, Wilson Bull., 105(2), 1993, pp.285-300.
ABSTRACT of Nesting Biology of the Yellow-throated Euphonia: Large Clutch Size
in a Neotropical Frugivore
- "Most nesting occurred from April to July in covered nests in road banks.
Modal clutch sizes was five eggs ... Only female incubated eggs, but both
parents fed nestlings."
info2 ;
This lowland species is found as far north as Michoacán,
Mexico, and southward to Nicaragua on the Atlantic slope, and to central Costa
Rica on the Pacific slope. It is found between 0 to 530 m above sea level.)
Whiptail: A small, slender lizard with narrow, pointed head and long
toes; blackish or dark brown body, sometimes with pale green areas; 7 or 8
narrow cream-colored stripes down the back; to 8 cm (3 in), plus long tail. (Chisbala).
Habitat: Northern Pacific coastal sites; found in open areas, sandy spots with
little vegetation, beach dunes.
- with several brown/orange longitudinal stripes; probably a
Whiptail (Aspidoscelus sp.
pic2) or
Mabuya sp.;
Six-Lined Racerrunner (Cnemidophorus sexlineatus)
info1 info2
The Six-lined
Racerunner (Cnemidophorus
is a species of lizard found in the United States, from Wyoming across the Great
Plains east to Rhode Island, south to Florida and west to southern Texas, and in
northern Mexico, in Tamaulipas.
- not
Rainbow lizard
(Cnemidophorus lemniscatus)
Many species that were Cnemidophorus are
now considered Aspidoscelis based
upon divergent characters between the two groups.
Cnemidophorus is
a genus of lizards which
belong to the family of Teiidae,
which are commonly referred to as whiptail
lizards or racerunners.
Note that the nomenclature for
this genus has recently been re-examined by T. W. Reeder et
in 2002. Many species that were Cnemidophorus should
now likely be considered Aspidoscelis based
upon divergent characters between the two groups.
Elephant Beetle (Megasoma elephas, a Neotropical rhinoceros beetles) - pic1 wiki info1 - not hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules)
Long-nosed Bat :
Greater Long-nosed Bat or called Mexican
Long-nosed Bat (Leptonycteris
- This rather large, brownish bat has an extremely long slender nose
with a leaflike projection of thick skin on its end. Ears extend
well above top of head.
membrane narrow; there is no tail.
It is found in western USA, not in eastern. It is a
species in the family Phyllostomidae
World leaf-nosed bats).
species: (1) Hognose and (2) Leafnose Bats have conspicuous tail. src:
A Field Guide to Mammals: North America north of Mexico. Peterson
Field Guides.
(Third Edition) 1976 by William H. Burt, Roger Tory Peterson
(Editor), Richard Philip Grossenheider (Illustrator)
- Saussure's long-nosed bat
: form the genus Leptonycteris within
the leaf-nosed bat family Phyllostomidae.
Southern Long-nosed Bat, Leptonycteris
Elph's picture (direct
link): seashell Common Hairy Triton (Monoplex pilearis)?
info1 - but ours is smaller (I think it is about 2 inches) and
darker in color. And Common Hairy Triton is rare under stones at any depth but prefers deep water.
Useful url : http://birdingcraft.com/wordpress/category/birding-lodges/feed/
Somebody's bird
and wildife 2011 Dec trip - many good pictures (common: Green Iguana,
Variegated Squirrel , Tropical Kingbird, Blue-gray Tanager, Great Kiskadee,
Rufous-collared Sparrows )
Big Long-nosed Bat or Mexican
Long-nosed Bat, Leptonycteris
Lesser Long-nosed Bat or Mexican
Long-nosed Bat, Leptonycteris
hassle of connecting flights:
1. If travel from A to C via B where B & A are in the same
country, then security measure of international level (tigher) will be performed
at B; in the coming back, luggage will have to check by Custom in B and pick up
again for the flight from B to A. E.g.,
NYC (domestic security, check-in
luggage) -> Floida (no luggage issue but while leaving, international security)
-> foreign country C;
C -> Florida (pick up luggage, pass
Custom, give back luggage to airline) -> NYC.
Country A -> Country B (no security check because it is a
transfer; no luggage issue) -> Country C. E.g., NYC -> Tokyo -> HK.
*1: ?female southern Pacific race of White-shouldered Tanager has black eye (iris)? but mine is red (red eye not due to flash because no flash is used.) so mine is more similar to Gray-headed Tanager. But according to Garrigues & Dean (2007), the distribution of the bird is barely matched. Fortuna is near to but not within the range map. And Gray-headed Tanager has bright yellow underparts, creating quite a contrast to its olive green above. And mine has dark leg, not like Gray-headed Tanager. So verdict goes to female White-shouldered Tanager. cf. Gray-headed Tanager-1 Gray-headed Tanager-2 female White-shouldered Tanager-1 female White-shouldered Tanager-2
Gray-headed Tanager | White-shouldered Tanager |
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Howler Monkey:
The mantled howler (Alouatta palliata), or golden-mantled howling monkey, is a species of howler monkey, a type of New World monkey, from Central and South America. It is one of the monkey species most often seen and heard in the wild in Central America. It takes its "mantled" name from the long guard hairs on its sides.
Three subspecies are recognized:[3]
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