Birding in Punta Cana
in July, 2005.
We were based at the Grand Paradise, Bavaro, Punta Cana on an
all inclusive basis. This was on the shore and next door to Super Club Breezes
hotel. Information was very scanty about birding in the
southeast of the island, as most trip reports are based in the north, or go west
into the mountains. Most of my birding was done early morning or less
often later in the afternoon and the vast majority in the two hotel grounds.
Both hotel grounds consist of formal gardens and larger areas with forest and
open marshy scrub. There were two small lakes in Superclub Breezes' grounds. The
total area is probably no more than 1/2 sq mile. A walk through the Breezes
"gardens", out onto the road and back into Grand Bavaro would take about 1 1/2
hours. Beware of the guards on the gates - some can be keen and I wasn't allowed
into Breezes on one occasion. We went on one trip - Scuba diving to Catalina
Island which wasn't bad but excursions weren't cheap.
4 - 6 March 2006
by Mike Tanis
Southwestern Dominican Republic
4. Steve Brauning
5. Butterflies in Punta Cana
Posted 3 years ago by
in response to
question: My room mate told me that she saw in Punta Cana a species
of butterflies, flying only above water. Is that so ?
Yes, it's true; I couldn't believe my eyes, either. When I was in Punta
Cana, in December, I was on the beach and I started to see many coloured
butterflies above the sea, making an incredible spectacle. It's something
unique and you should ask the locals where you can see it.
6. Palm Chat Nest

More photo of Broad-billed Tody, Hipaniolan Lizard-cuckoo,
La Selle Thrush, White-winged Crossbill, etc.
7. Broad-billed Tody
In the breeding season, you will hear them arguing amongst
themselves in dry forest, esp. along the banks of the sinkhole ponds of
Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park.

9. Birdingpal
Last Name
Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional
biology student, nature photographer, interested in
bird conservation and ecology. Member of the Ornithological
Society of the Hispaniola (SOH). The island of Hispaniola is
home to 32 endemic species, found nowhere else in the world,
most can be seen on the Dominican Republic. The island has
the richest biodiversity and the highest endemism of the
caribbean islands. Great birding can be enjoyed within a
short drive form the city, but to really appreciate what the
DR has to offer, plan for a 4 to 6 day stay on the island.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > Hello,
> > Punta Cana is a good place for birding.
There is an Ecological park inside the complex where instructed
personnel can guide you along the trails. Many
endemics can be seen and you can have the chance to see the endemic and
endangered Buteo ridgwayi, Ridgway's hawk.
There is an ongoing project that is helping the reintroduction of the
species in Punta Cana.
> > April is a good time to visit. Breeding season starts. Marine life
is very good also! Here is a link that might
help you.
> >
10. Jake Kheel
To: Jake Kheel <>
> Subject: Re: ask about Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park
> Jake,
> Thank you very much.
> I am really very happy to receive your email. I wrote several before and
> nobody seems to care about my inquiry. This makes me feel that the foundation
> or hotel are not in good shape. May be you guys are short-handed and very
> busy with something else. In fact, I also would like to visit the Lab and
> learn more about the research. I may be able to volunteer some time to help
> the research during my stay in April and after it.
> I'll stay with my wife Winnie at Punta Cana Hotel from 4/6 (Wed) to 4/12
> (Tue). And really thank for the bird information you sent. I'll study the
> spreadsheet and make good use of it.
> I come across "Madre de las Aves beach" from (1) the book:
> Discovering the remarkable birds of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic: Their
> lives and secret behaviors by David Rosane (Hardcover - 2002).
> and (2) Fodor's book:
> e+los+Aves+beach%22&source=bl&ots=w-sD4wHwcu&sig=P9g8JwrTL7vFyMV-EYha0Yx8Ce8&h
> l=en&ei=ILdSTamqFJCugQeOn4yECA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBM
> Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Madre%20de%20los%20Aves%20beach%22&f=false
> This is strange because you are not the only local never heard about it. I
> asked a couple of people and they gave me the same response.
> Anyway, thanks for your help. See you in April.
> ---- Jake Kheel <> wrote:
>> Tim
>> Kate forwarded me your email. We don't have a birdlist for all seasons but I
>> am attaching a list from a yearly study we do with Cornell Lab of O that can
>> give you an idea. Generally in the reserve you can see birds, lizards,
>> snakes, land crabs, etc. Where did you hear of Madre de las Aves beach, I
>> have been here 6 years and haven't heard of it.
>> Are you staying at our hotel? ( The reserve has no fee
>> for guests of our hotel. For people coming from other hotels, we are
>> developing guided tours of the reserve that would have a fee. That is under
>> development now, it should be ready by April if you want to check back in.
>> Jake
>> Jake Kheel
>> Director Ambiental
>> Environmental Director
>> Oficina: 809-959-9221
>> Celular: 829-858-8755
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: kate wallace <>
>>> Date: Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 8:01 AM
>>> Subject: Fw: ask about Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park
>>> To:
>>> Kate Wallace
>>> Tody
>>> Calle Jose Gabriel Garcia 105, Zona Colonial
>>> Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
>>> Phone: 809-686-0882
>>> --- On Sat, 2/5/11, Tim Ng <> wrote:
>>>> From: Tim Ng <>
>>>> Subject: ask about Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park
>>>> To:,
>>>> Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011, 12:19 AM
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We would like to visit Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park
>>>> (Ojos Indigenas Nature Reserve) at Punta Cana in this
>>>> year. I would like to ask :
>>>> 1. When is the best time to do birding in the park?
>>>> Is early April a good time?
>>>> 2. If we come in April, what birds will be expected to
>>>> see? And what other animals expected to be found in
>>>> the park at that time?
>>>> 3. Where is Madre de las Aves Beach?
>>>> 4. Can we snorkeling in the lagoons? Is there any
>>>> fish or sea life at those sinkhole lagoons?
>>>> Look forward to your reply. Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Kate Wallace
>>> www.Tody
>>> Jose Gabriel Garcia 105
>>> Zona Colonial
>>> Santo Domingo
>>> Dominican republic
>>> 809-686-0882
11. Black-cowled Oriole :
12. Tody
Hispaniola has two
tody species: the Broad-billed Tody in the lowlands and the Narrow-billed Tody
in the mountains. Why is there only one species each on Puerto Rico, Cuba, and
Jamaica? No one knows for sure.
Video found on Web:
13. Some impressive butterflies and moths in Punta Cana
resort area.
14. Book:
of the Dominican Republic and Haiti.pdf
PUJ in winter by winter for Jake.xls
Video: Waterfowls (Purple Gallinule,
Common Moorhen)
in a hotel
16. More video:
Segway birding in the
Dominican Republic (
broad-billed tody
hispaniolan woodpecker
palm chat
Ridgway's Hawk at nest