Wah Shing Movie and Library DVD:
312 W. 34th St.
New York, NY 10001
(212) 244-8850
234 West 42nd St.
New York, NY 10036
(212) 398-3939
Sbway:A,C,E to 42nd St-Pt Authority;N,Q,R,W,42nd St S,1,2,3,7
to 42nd St-Times
if above 2 are borken, try this:
Library DVD
(not include other video, e.g., VHS)
5. Chinese name of movie
google: 西洋電影
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/queen3098/article?mid=18&prev=19&next=16 (old movies)
May have chi names: http://hk.movies.yahoo.com/nowshowing.html How about tw.movies ?
6. to receive fax messages by EMAIL or to send fax to EMAIL for free. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The process of fax to EMAIL sending, consists of two steps: 1) Send us a message with the number of the fax machine where the fax would be sent and the EMAIL address where you would like your fax to be received. 2) Receive a message from us, with the number where you have to send your fax. The system compares between the fax number you've entered and the actual number the fax came from. We check both the Caller ID and the source number. At least one of them must match the number you've entered. When two numbers are matched the system sends fax to EMAIL you've entered. Please be sure you put the correct number. When fax is sent, your record is deleted. So if you want to use the system again you have to send the message again. If you don't see your fax arrive, please check Trash, Junk or etc' boxes, in the case that our EMAIL is mistakenly marked as Spam by your EMAIL. http://www.faxsv.com/freeFormENG.html http://www.faxsv.com/
1. TPC This site lets you send free faxes using either your web browser or via email. Cover: 212 and 718 and more http://www.tpc.int/sendfax.html http://www.tpc.int/clients/index.html Needs to install SW: 1. HQFax Version Beta-9.2 http://www.tpc.int/clients/hq2k.html Or 2. FaxTel has released version 3 of "ScanFax!", a program specifically designed to work with TPC.INT. It allows users to scan or import graphics files, such as BMP, GIF, PCX, PNG, TIF, TGA and JPG, optionally manipulate the image, and 'fax' it by sending it to the remote fax via TPC.INT. You may wish to visit ScanFax! Pages. http://www.faxtel.com/ Tsiu: if just text with limited size, easy and free. If attach a file, need install SW and the setup is not simple. Faxzero is better.
2. http://faxzero.com/ Free! Ad on the cover page Fax 1 document-maximum 3 pages Maximum 2 free faxes per day Select a .DOC or .PDF file to fax: 3. test http://faxzero.com/confirm/1443120/1231193788 on 1/5/2009:
send your fax to Wah Shing Chan at 7188533266. 4. More: http://fax.1888usa.com/ sent on 1/6/2009: http://faxzero.com/status/1448093/a73399781cca112090a70dcfa5ab9046a208ef39